The Judeo-Christian Baptismal Creed

Taken from Scripture and the Roman Symbol, the Nicene Creed, the Nicene-Constantipolitan Creed, and the Apostle’s Creed

All witnesses recite the following:

I believe in YHWH, the One True God, the King of the universe and Almighty Maker of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

He is: the Eternal Father, from whom all things flow;

the only Son, of the same divine essence and substance as the Father, the promised Messiah, Jesus our Lord;

and the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life who proceeds from the Father through the Son.

The Son was sent from the Father, incarnated and made man by the power of the Holy Spirit;

He was born of the virgin Miriam;

He knew no sin, but upon Him was laid our iniquity to provide salvation for all men who believe;

For which He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into the lower realms to proclaim victory over the powers of darkness and lead captives from the grave;

He rose again on the third day in victory over sin and death;

He ascended into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father Almighty as our propitiation and High Priest of the New Covenant, from where He will return to judge the living and those now dead.

I believe the Holy Spirit indwells those who belong to Jesus our Messiah in the New Covenant, giving life to our mortal bodies, teaching us all things and transforming us into the likeness of our Messiah, and providing power as witnesses to proclaim and demonstrate the kingdom of our God and Messiah, whose reign shall increase and see no end.

I believe in the universal assembly of God’s people, the kingdom of priests and holy nation of Israel both Jew and Gentile, one Body of Messiah unified by the Holy Spirit as children of the Father, living stones being built into a house where God lives eternally as a light to the nations.

I believe in the universal resurrection of the dead to stand before the Almighty Judge and Law-giver; those in the New Covenant through Messiah will receive complete forgiveness of sins and everlasting life in the presence of YHWH forever. Those who choose against Him will depart from Him forever in eternal separation and torment.

 I believe all these things as written in the Holy Scriptures, given to us as our final rule of faith and practice.

Baptizer asks the candidate the following questions:

Do you agree with all these things and publicly testify to your acceptance of them?

Do you renounce the kingdom of darkness and all the spiritual forces of this world system which rebel against God?

Do you renounce a life of self-worship, and its chasing after the desires of the world, agreeing to be led by the Holy Spirit into a life transformed by the love and character of God?

With God’s power, will you seek to obey the voice of the LORD and all the commandments of Scripture all the days of your life?

Having professed your faith in our Messiah as Savior and LORD, do you agree to serve Him as a priest to the nations?

Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: death to self, buried with Messiah, risen in Messiah. (immerse candidate in water)

Baptizer lays hands on new family member and recites the following:

You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth. Receive the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus the Messiah.

You are now no longer a foreigner or stranger to the covenants of promise, but a fellow citizen in Israel and a member of God’s household!